Pipe Club of Norfolk |
Published in December 2016, the Pipe Club of Norfolk book covers the first 40 years of the club.
54 black and white pages with 40 pictures illustrating various events in the club's history.
This book represents a fascinating part of pipe smoking social history.
The .pdf file copy costs only GBP £4.99 or USD $5.99
To obtain a .pdf copy, simply click on the following Paypal link and enter payment details:
I shall email your .pdf copy as soon as I see your order.
A few hard copies are available on Ebay: click here
Volume 4 Number 1 Spring 2003
PCN Meeting 18 December 2002
A full house for the Christmas draw and party night. Reg Walker was presented with 50 grammes of Walnut Flake for winning the quiz in the Autumn Newsletter. Nina, the wonderful landlady of The Rosary Tavern, was presented with a Christmas gift from the club members. The Christmas draw took place with 50 prizes up for grabs, which included pipes, tobacco, whisky, wine and chocolates. The prizes were fairly evenly distributed among the members, and all assembled were very pleased to see the Secretary win seven of them. A seasonal buffet was enjoyed, including sausage rolls, mince pies and chocolate logs. A very enjoyable evening indeed.
Thirty-first Annual General Meeting 15 January 2003 |
The Chairman reported that the Club had had another good year and that the Norfolk Championship had been a huge success. The Secretary/Treasurer produced balance sheets for both the Club and the Championship (copies available from the Secretary) and the Auditor reported that although the Club was financially sound, he recommended that subscription fees be increased by one guinea from January 2004. This motion was carried: start saving now.
Officers were re-elected en bloc: Chairman Len Ellis; Vice Chairman Reg Walker; Secretary/Treasurer Keith Garrard.
The meeting lasted 34 minutes: 13 minutes longer than the 2002 AGM.
PCN Meeting 15 January 2003 |
Following the AGM, normal Club business was discussed, after which all the correct entries for the Christmas Quiz were put into the Vice Chairman's hat. Frank King Jnr. was asked to pick out the winning entry, and promptly picked out his own ticket, winning a Big Ben pipe. Needless to say, one sore loser checked the tickets to ensure that they did not all read 'Frank King Jnr.' Who audits the Auditor?
The evening was rounded off with pork pies, Scotch eggs and sandwiches.
PCN Meeting 19 February 2003 |
Our annual briarsmoking contest, using 3 grammes of Grand Cut in pipes of the contestants' choice. Frank King Jnr., who had bought a new pipe in Churchills that very morning, was first out at 18'50. Nobody needs two pipes in one day anyway.
When Frank King Snr. went out after 41'20 it left only 2002 winner Len Ellis, 2001 winner Keith Garrard, and Reg Walker, who last won this contest in 1988. Len held up his hand after 51'15, leaving Keith and Reg to battle it out. In a close finish, Reg was declared the winner at 58'00. Keith's 55'30 got him 50 grammes of tobacco, and Reg was presented with a handsome Comoy pipe. Records show that when he won in 1988, he was presented with a Prince of Wales pipe, and he will probably be crawling around his attic to see if he still has it.
The monthly raffle was held, and for the second month running the Secretary failed to receive a prize. Has he been rumbled at last?
The AGM should have taken place at the Coach and Horses on 30 January, but only three members turned up so the meeting was postponed until 13 February, with nine members in attendance and the officers being re-elected en bloc. It was decided to make no change to the £3 annual subscription. Malcolm Palmer won a brace of pheasants in the annual draw. Reg Walker won a bottle of Liebfraumilch, which he is still trying to sell.
March was advertised as an exhibition evening, but although there was a good turnout, the members were very shy and did not exhibit very much.
The annual club championship took place in April, in which interestingly 3.5 grammes of Scottish Flake was smoked, and two minutes were allowed for lighting. Reg Walker was the victor with a time of 75'50, and received a Savinelli pipe as his prize.
In May the club played darts against the Mill Tavern. The result was a 6-6 draw, and the evening was rounded off with sandwiches and cheese and pickles. The June meeting was held in the York Tavern, and the Summer tour of historic houses took in the John W Stokes (now closed), the Castle, the Ketts Tavern, the Rosary (now our HQ), and the Bystanders Society (now the Winchester taxi-drivers club, about to close again with plans rumoured to re-open it as a lap-dancing club. We will send the Secretary to check it out…..)
In September members were asked to meet at the Firs at 12 noon to go to the Air Fete at Norwich Airport, but only one member turned up. Apparently he enjoyed himself and got wrong with nobody.
A general discussion took place in October, and six members also visited the CAMRA Norwich Beer Festival. November saw eight members enjoying an excellent meal at Le Chateau, a restaurant in St. George's Street, and in December there was a Seasonal Pubcrawl, starting and finishing at the White Lion, Oak Street. Everyone got too comfortable and crawled nowhere, except home possibly.
Win a Fabulous Mystery Prize |
Rearrange the first letters of the missing words from each list to form the name of a well-known make of pipe.
1.Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Yale, *****
2.Pride, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Anger, Sloth, *****
3.Clio, Melpomene, Thalia, Calliope, Urania, Euterpe, Terpsichore, Polyhymnia, *****
4.Helium, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon, *****
5.Sandwich, Dover, Hythe, Hastings, Rye, Winchelsea, *****
6.Hearing, Sight, Smell,Taste, *****
7.Bulgaria, Wellington, Bungo, Tomsk, Madame Cholet, Miss Adelaide, Tobermory, *****
8.Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, *****
Send your entry to Keith Garrard, 18 Florence Road, Norwich NR1 4BJ
The winning entry will be drawn from the Vice Chairman's hat at the April meeting.
I received a letter from Peter Wiseman- Honorary Secretary of the Pipe Club of London- which contained the words: 'Hearty congratulations on your excellent Newsletter of Winter 2002! Whoever writes them is superb…fascinating reading…a credit to all!'
To let you into the secret, I initiate the content of the Newsletters, then Email the result to Reg Walker, who acts as editor and general word-juggler. He then Emails them back to me, and I extract the blatant filth (usually insults to self, Chairman, John Elvin, and libellous descriptions of KJ Coleman when he was a boy frolicking in the verdant pastures of Stamford Street, London SE1) and put the finishing touches to them. I must point out that there is no guarantee that either myself or Reg is likely to be sober at the time of writing.
Just for a laugh, I put my name into the search engine on my computer, and found my name not only on several pipesmoking-related sites, but also a Keith Garrard who lost the final round of the American Junior Wrestling Championship. He wrestles for a Club called Bad Boys, so obviously he is nothing to do with me, as I have always been a good boy. I also found a Garrard County in Kentucky, where tobacco is grown. The only Reg Walkers on the Web seem to be a London Eastender who has his homepage devoted to Pigeon Fancying. Co-incidentally, another site begins with the words 'I have always regarded Reg Walker's definitive work New Zealand: The Great Barrier Island 1898-99 Pigeonpost Stamps as the bible on the subject of Pigeongrams…..' And yet another, Reg Walker: Pups for sale.' Reg would like to state that he has not now, not ever, fancied either pigeons or pups.
We have a new PCN member based in Germany. His name is Rolf Ostendorff. Welcome to the Pipe Club of Norfolk, Rolf! You can visit his Website on www.piepenhoeker.de
An Email has been received from Agide telling us about the Pipe Club of Ravenna. For those of you unfamiliar with the area, it is described as 'the capital of Mosaic, on the north-east coast of Italy between Venice and Rimini.' He tells me that the club was formed in 1984, and has around 80 members. They hold monthly meetings and visit country restaurants for good food and good wine, enjoying tours to Italian Pipemakers such as Castello, Radice Ascorti and Ser Jacob de Paja. Their prime aim is friendship and 'to have a happy hour together.' Sounds familiar. Agide runs a Pipeshop in Ravenna and offers 10% discount to members of PCN. Contact him at http://www.agide.com/english/index.htm
Also see the discount section of our own website.
By the way, there is an acute shortage of Churchwarden Pipes. This is because they have all been snapped up (and I daresay snapped off) mainly by young smokers as a result of the box office success of The Lord of the Rings. Talking of the Cinema, a correspondent in The Netherlands tells me that a few smoking cinemas have been re-introduced in that country. One Pipe Club held a Pipesmoking contest while watching Titanic. I wonder who sank first (which pipe was advertised as 'like smoking through a block of ice?). Personally, it is quite a while since I went to the flicks. Do they still have Pathe News, narrated by that old Pipesmoker Bob Danvers-Walker?
Friday 11 April PCN Annual Dinner at The Rosary. Menu on PCN Website.
Wednesday 16 April Our good friend and local historian Dick Barham presents an evening entitled Bits and Pieces of Norwich. Not to be missed.
Wednesday 21 May: Meet the Brewer. A talk and demonstration by former brewer David Waller, followed by a short quiz and the chance to win an Adnams T-shirt.
Wednesday 18 June Competition smoking 4 grammes of tobacco with no rules in particular.
Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 September Peter the Great Cup, St. Petersburg.
Saturday 4/Sunday 5 October The World Cup between Pipe Clubs held at the Fira Palace Hotel, Barcelona.
Sunday 19 October The big event! 12th Norfolk Open Pipesmoking Championship at the Lansdowne Hotel, Norwich.
The answer to the Christmas Quiz was ERINMORE. This was an anagram of the initial letters of Mud, Indian, Ebenezer, Rose, Redbreasts, East, Onion and Nicholas. There were several entries, and the first name to be drawn from the Vice Chairman's hat was Frank King Jnr.
Badges £2.50 each; ties £8.50 each. Including postage and packing.
Cadogan (Pipemakers since 1825) have offered to make us an exclusive anniversary pipe, which will be a medium sized bent with the words Pipe Club of Norfolk stamped on one side and Anniversary 1973-2003 on the other. There will be a limited issue of 36 pipes at a cost of £30+ p&p (Euros 44.70+ p&p). This is around half of the recommended retail price.
The Secretary needs to gauge the interest for this product, so will you please let him know if you wish to order one (or more!). If enough interest is shown, we will go ahead with the order.
Secretary Keith Garrard can be contacted by telephone on (01603) 661079 or 07732878510. By mail at 18 Florence Road, Norwich NR1 4BJ. |
Renewal of membership is now overdue, if you have not rejoined now is the time to do so. Send your cheque, made payable to The Pipe Club of Norfolk to the secretary. Don't miss out on the next newsletter.
Volume 4 Number 2 Summer 2003
PCN Meeting 19 March 2003 |
Following the usual wise words of the chairman, our Secretary produced a large tobacco jar which had been donated to PCN by Derek Heffer, former secretary of Colchester Pipe Club (do I remember that he appeared with some of us on Anglia News some 25 years ago?). The jar had been used at Colchester club meetings. The Secretary had filled the handsome jar with PCN Mixture, and it will now have a permanent home in our Clubroom (although the Vice Chairman will not be allowed to use it without the aid of a four year old child, as he managed to completely dismantle the lid mechanism while trying to gain access).
The main event of the evening was a talk by Peter Wrightson on Larsen pipe tobacco. A new range of three was launched by Loretta in 2002 and samples of Smooth and Tasty, Simply Unique and A True Delight (not titles from Britney Spiers new CD, but robust flavoured pipe tobaccos) were available. Peter answered several questions from the floor (not that he was actually on the floor, you understand) and was thanked by the Chairman.
The rest of the evening was taken up by a quiz compiled by the Secretary, Keith 'they're really easy, honest' Garrard. Members had to cudgel their brains to identify 15 Pipesmokers of the Year, with the aid of 'helpful' cryptic clues. The winner, with an astounding 14 (93.33%) was Frank King Jnr. He was presented with a briar and a brass Larsen tamper from Peter Wrightson, who then gave all present a most useful Larsen Pipelighter.
An excellent evening was rounded off with the Secretary's fiddle. Seven top-class prizes were up for grabs, and for the third meeting running the Secretary failed to win a prize (pass the hankies).
PCN Annual Dinner Friday 11 April 2003 |
The annual dinner took place in our clubroom at the Rosary Tavern with a menu containing prawn cocktail, home-made mushroom soup. Then strips of beef in creamy red wine with garlic and mustard sauce, creamed potatoes and wilted spinach. Or Russian salmon and prawn parcel in parsley sauce. Or even Norfolk chicken and ham pie with asparagus. Sweets available were Ian's Mum's bread and butter pudding, fresh fruit salad, and cheese and biscuits. Lashings of Blossom Hill red wine were supplied by the Club to wash it all down. As tradition dictates, an unsuspecting member was called upon to give an impromptu speech. This year KJ Coleman was plucked from the ether to give us a ripping yarn about a deaf wicket-keeper. The free raffle was won by Don Warman, who gained the best pipe in his collection. In return, he introduced an after-dinner frolic known as The Thai Toastmaster Tongue Twister Test. We divided into two teams, Red and Blue, and were inveigled into pronouncing the names of several factual Thai dinner guests, including Miss Toungrudi Thapornpasi, Mrs Kanjana Kaoroongruang and Mr Pairoj Thongkumsuk. I am sure that the names Ellis, Garrard, Walker etc. cause Thai waiters just as many problems. Anyway, the Red team managed their tongues around the names more quickly, and each member was presented with a plum. The winners looked very smug afterwards, sitting there with their plums on the table. Eccentric? Not us.
PETERSON was the elusive name, and Julie Devitt was the winning name from the Vice Chairman's battered trilby on 16 April. A 'fabulous mystery prize' will be winging its way to her in London (I hope she has a cage and supply of cuttlefish).
PCN Meeting 16 April 2003 |
Normal Club business out of the way, Reg Walker reported that his son had been on a trip to Sweden and- in the absence of any decent pipe tobacco- brought back some Svenskt Snus. These revealed themselves as small teabags, which (allegedly) 10% of all Swedes lodge into the buccal cavity (mouth, between lip and gum) to produce a nicotine 'buzz.' Despite the temptation of 'whisky nicotine flavour' members seemed to think that these little bags were best lodged, unsucked, in the ashtray cavity on the table.
The main event of the evening was a photographic slide show and talk by our good friend and local historian Dick Barham. His Bits and Pieces of Norwich was, as always, most enjoyable and informative. Seven magnificent prizes were up for grabs in the raffle, and (hankies out again) we are desolated to report that once again the Secretary failed to win a prize for the fourth month running.
PCN Meeting 21 May 2003: 'Meet the Brewer' |
Adnams Brewer David Waller visited The Rosary to give a talk on brewing. He gave us a history of Adnams followed by a step-by-step guide on how real ale is produced, including the sampling of malted barley and hops. A glass-ended firkin had been racked in our clubroom two days previously, and David shone a strong light through it to show what happens inside a keg of real ale. The landlord then appeared with jugs of Adnams Best Bitter and Broadside so we could sample them and compare the two. At the end, our Chairman thanked David for what was one of the most interesting talks we have ever had. We were all sent home with bottles and cans of Adnams Strong Bitter and Broadside. During the interval the monthly raffle was held, and at last, as you will be pleased to hear, the Secretary won a prize.
A collection of tins is going free to a good home. Or even a bad home. Please contact Secretary if interested.
Name That Flake! Competition |
1.A hog may contain North American tree
2.A good man with British and United nations ring, could have a dog
3.Mainly a rampart
4.The crumbliest, flakiest form of Theobroma
5.My hat, it's Robbie Burns
6.A million axed
7.Queen of Rome gets muddled
8.Mr Swan
9.Railman loses a crazy fish
10.Water in Cumbria
Answers to Keith Garrard, 18 Florence Road, Norwich NR1 4BJ.
Telephone 01603 661079.
Correct entries will be placed in the Vice Chairman's trilby and the winner plucked out at the July meeting.
The 14th AGM was held on 29 January at the Coach and Horses. Reg Walker announced that, as his current job involved considerable travel, he felt compelled to stand down as Chairman. Following due deliberation, the white smoke rose and Phil Lewis was unanimously elected to this high office. Most of the evening was taken up in arranging events for the rest of the year, and a raffle was held in which Phil Leach won a Meerschaum pipe.
The annual briar contest took place in February when four grammes of McConnell Scottish Flake was smoked in briars of individual choice. Reg Walker won with 85'46, with Phil Lewis second.
In March a cheese sampling was enjoyed, members providing crackers, pickled onions and gherkins. The meeting ran on until closing time.
The purpose of the April meeting was to count the contents of a Bell's whisky bottle which had been filled with 1,2 and 5p coins destined for charity. Not a very exciting event, you might think, but events took a more interesting turn when the Secretary dropped the bottle (our own dear Secretary/Treasurer would never let money slip through his hands). Rod Howard won a prize for the nearest guess as to how much the bottle contained. Club funds were boosted by the £3 profit made from this evening.
In May a pat evening was organised with seven different pats including crab and pork and hazelnut. John 'Biggles' Betts organised a flying evening in June. Six members and two guests (one of whom had been a WW2 Navigator) went to Little Snoring Airfield where flights of thirty minutes were enjoyed (or, in the case of one vertiginous member, endured) with spectacular views of the North Norfolk Coast. Surprisingly, all of this was discussed later in a local Pub.
June also saw a clay pipe contest, with 3.5 grammes of Bewlays Best Flake. Len 'Hurricane' Ellis was the winner with a poor (for him) time of 41'34- not normally good enough to win a contest. He was presented with a Comoy pipe.
In July the Summer Tour of Historic Houses took in the Reindeer, Plough, Ironmongers, Wild Man, Ribs of Beef and Maids Head.
Only four members turned up for the August meeting, so a general discussion was held. ('Whose round is it? Are you still smoking that Black Cavendish? Call that a full pint? Can I borrow your lighter? Whose round is it…..?).
September featured Frank Lissimore with a jar of tobacco and a contest to guess the country of origin. Nobody guessed correctly (Yugoslavia) so names were put in the hat and the winner, Shaun Struthers, was awarded the jar of tobacco and a 50p piece. A larger jar of tobacco was then produced for a 'guess the weight' competition, members paying 50p for two guesses (Shaun obviously used the coin he had just won). It weighed 360.32 grammes, and the winner- Phil Lewis- was presented with a tin of tobacco. What next- a knobbly knees contest?
In October, all pretence of sobriety was thrown to the winds and members visited the Norwich CAMRA Beer Festival.
Nothing much happened at the November meeting, except smoking and drinking ('Are you still smoking that Black Cavendish….?'), members holding themselves in reserve for the dinner at Dino's in St. George's later in the month. After the very scrumptious meal, Frank Lissimore organised a raffle for club funds, and Rod Howard won a bottle of Cypriot wine. The evening was rounded off at the Golden Star.
More culture in December, when the Tour of Historic Houses took us to the Jubilee, Bridge House, Red Lion, (the Adam and Eve was given a miss due to lack of space for our expanding frames- there must have been six customers in). Finally, the Maids Head. Just a thought, no room at the Inn in December. It wasn't…...no, it can't have been.
Dutch Pipesmoking Championship Sunday 6 April 2003 |
For the fourth year running, Len Ellis, Reg Walker and Keith Garrard set sail for the Netherlands to take part in the Dutch Championship. This year's destination was Den Helder, a seaside resort in North Holland, and the headquarters of the Dutch navy. After a smooth crossing on the HSS Discovery, which included a three course meal, and a three hour train journey, we finally arrived in Den Helder. We booked in at the Hotel Bellevue and went in search of food and beer. We found a decent bar, the Wienerhof, where we enjoyed a wholesome meal washed down with a few Dutch and Belgian bottled beers.
Saturday morning was spent exploring the town, an exceptionally quiet place considering the population of 60,000. The high spot of the week is the Saturday Market selling everything from fish to handbags (and if you want to know why, every time Keith was caught looking intently at a woman, he said 'I'm just looking for the right handbag' you had better ask him). We visited two local tobacco shops in which we were made most welcome. Reg also talked to several charming women in perfume shops, and suspicions were voiced that the perfume he was seeking 'for his daughter' was just an excuse. Just like Len with cakeshops. Anyway, Reg was getting dehydrated by now (he is a martyr to it) so we had to find a bar. It was Stradscafe de Keizerskroom, which was so good that re-hydration took four hours. In the evening we boarded a floating Indo-Chinese restaurant where on the top deck a buffet meal was available- eat all you like for £8.75. On leaving the restaurant the wind was so strong that Reg suggested that, to save Len's hat from blowing off, we quickly find a bar (he also suffers from the wind…..).
On Sunday morning we strolled around the deserted town centre (physically restraining Len from taking us for coffee in the only place open- McDonald's) and then found our way to the venue for the contest. It was a bar named Neptunus where we were greeted by the organisers saying that as we were among the first fifteen to arrive, we qualified for the gift of a pocket radio. After registration, we renewed acquaintance with familiar faces from previous years.
The championship got under way at 1400 hours, smoking 3 grammes of Red Amphora in impressive Butz Choquin pipes. 52 contestants lit their two matches, and the concentration began. Through the clouds of smoke, Keith held his hand up at 41'18 to finish 29th, Reg just failed to make the hour at 56'40 and finished 19th. Len finished a creditable 10th with 70'28. The winner for the second year running was George Stam with 144'38. George represents the local club which is named after a local lifeboat hero, Dorus Rijkers. Second was Hans Beckeringh of Pijprokersclub Henk Stuurop, Sneek (106'49). Bert Stapper of Philip Mortimer Club, Leiden was third with 101'45. We all received prizes. Len and Reg got big cheers when they received theirs, but for some reason Keith was greeted with a rousing chorus of 'For he's a jolly good fellow.' (Memo to Keith: check the zip when you get up quickly in future).
In all, a very well organised and most sociable event.
That evening we returned to Wienerhof for their three course special, including vegetable soup and Wiener schnitzel. Reg then had a sudden attack of dehydration and decided that it was too early to go back to the hotel, so a few Belgian beers were sunk in a nearby bar. On Monday the long journey home included a stop-off in Scheidam before setting sale across the North Sea. Three weary travellers finally arrived back in Norwich at 2130 hours.
From the Helderse Courant, Monday 7 April 2003
The Dutch daily newspaper carried an article about the competition and picture which showed various competitors, including smoke coming out of the Secretary's pipe (the cameraman was disinclined to make a feature of his fine hat). John Eason has provided a translation, an extract from which is as follows.
'The room in the harbour caf Neptunus is already blue with smoke before the competition is well and truly started. At different tables are sitting mainly men, but also some women, quietly smoking a pipe, before the real work begins. Certainly the warm up, for 52 participants, including Belgians and Englishmen, yesterday afternoon took part in the Netherlands Wooden Pipesmoking Championship in the caf…..'It is very simple' explains the holder of the Dutch record R de Jong, 'the trick is to fill the pipe in the correct way and to keep alight without burning too much tobacco. Once previously de Jong took about 3 hours 2 minutes over a pipe. 'It is above all a question of staying calm. Now and then a poke around the bowl to keep it going and additionally a little bit of tamping. And pleasant chat, that keeps you relaxed.' But too much chatting is not sensible. De Jong is not watching out and a small flame no bigger than a bright pinhead has given up the ghost. Pipe out- competition over. After about 17 minutes the record-holder can go and sit in the bar. 'Ah well, better next time.' The den Helder rival does better this time. Stam wins and becomes Dutch champion again.'
Coming soon, the book you have all been waiting for:
1001 Excuses for Having a Beer by Reg Walker.
Subtitled My Struggle with Dehydration.
Badges £2.50 including postage and packing.
Ties £8.50 including postage and packing.
This is a repeat of the announcement in the Spring Newsletter.
Cadogan, Pipemakers since 1825, have offered to make us an exclusive anniversary pipe: a medium sized bent briar with the words Pipe Club of Norfolk stamped on one side and Anniversary 1973-2003 on the other. there will be a limited issue of 36 pipes at a cost of £30 plus postage and packing. (Euros 44.70 plus P&P). This is around half of the recommended retail price.
So far I have had very little interest shown in this opportunity, so unless there is a lot more people ordering the idea will have to be abandoned. Secretary Keith Garrard can be contacted on 01603 661079 or mobile 0773 2878510; by post at 18 Florence Road , Norwich, NR1 4BJ,
Tuesday 8 July: The annual bowls tournament at the British Rail bowling green, Thorpe Road, Norwich. 1830 start, with sandwiches at Rosary Tavern afterwards.
Wednesday 16 July: A visit from Bob Gregory of Samuel Gawith, who will give a talk on new pipe tobaccos.
Wednesday 20 August: An auction evening. Bring along all your unwanted rubbish and Reg Walker will probably bid for it.
Saturday 6-Sunday 7 September: Peter the Great Pipesmoking Cup, Saint Petersburg.
Wednesday 17 September: Annual PCN clay pipe smoking contest.
Saturday 4-Sunday 5 October: World Cup of Pipe Clubs, Fira Palace Hotel, Barcelona.
Wednesday 15 October: Cigar smoking contest. Who can produce the longest ash?
Sunday 19 October: The Big One! Norfolk Open Pipesmoking Championship at the Lansdowne Hotel, Norwich.
Wednesday 12 November: Annual darts tournament at Rosary Tavern. The Secretary is the reigning champion, so it is not hard to win.
Wednesday 19 November: Cheese and pickle evening. Why not help the Secretary out and bring along some pickles?
Wednesday 17 December: Christmas draw and party night with a seasonal buffet. Who can win more prizes than the Secretary?
Visit the club website at to see pictures of last year's Norfolk Championship, pictures of the Dutch Championship in Den Helder, and links to other pipe related sites. Please be sure to visit The Forum where you will find the latest Newsletters, a meeting place for our members and friends, competition results and details of special offers to PCN members.
The following letter from Stuart Sexton was printed in The Times in April.:
Sir; On my latest packet of pipe tobacco is the warning in large letters: 'Smoking when pregnant harms your baby.' As a granddad, I really must be careful.'
As a result of new legislation, terms such as light, low tar and mild can no longer be used. Therefore Condor Mild becomes Condor Blended and Dunhill Mild Blend becomes Dunhill Mellow Blend. Handrolling tobaccos that carried the word light now become golden or blonde. So it will be no good coming into Churchills and asking for 'a light shag.'
The Hon. Secretary of the Pipe Club of London, Peter Wiseman received a letter from the Hon. Secretary of the Pipe Club of Hong Kong, Mr. Thomas P. Lau, in respect of the SARS epidemic, he has commented that 'not one smoker, both in Hong Kong and China, has been infected with the virus.' Interesting.
Volume 4 Number 3 Autumn 2003 |
British Championship Sunday 8 June 2003 |
Our Secretary writes: On arrival at the Old Silhilians Club in Knowle, I was greeted by the organiser, Tim Knight, who immediately offered me a place in the John Hollingsworth 'A'' team (I was the only representative of PCN to attend, so was pleased to accept).
Trade stands were very thin on the ground as a result of current selective advertising restrictions (Formula One energy-wasters 1, harmless old fellows with briar pipes 0. Or is that too political?) and those who displayed wares were stalwarts Bill (Ashton) Taylor, Colin (Invicta) Leeson, Clive (International) Humm and John Hollingsworth. Competition pipes were supplied by Gerald Grudgings Limited, with tobacco Dunhill My Mixture 965.
First out of the trap during the contest was Jonathan Brown, a young freelance journalist and pipe smoking novice. I nearly managed the magic hour with 58'24 for joint sixth place (and the team I was with finished a creditable third). Guy Smith from Clunton, Shropshire won with 98'32, smoking for PCOL 'B'. Andrew Briggs (South West) was second with 97'31 and Robert Duncan (unattached) third. Fourth was Peter Wiseman, Pipe Club of London 'A'. The Darren Janner Shield for the top team was taken home by PCOL 'B'.Prizes were awarded for the six top finishers, with several spot prizes. A well organised event, and congratulations and thanks are due to Tim Knight for all his hard work. A good report of the event appeared on the BBC News website, including a picture of me in my Smoker's Hat (Vivienne Westwood obviously had gone home by then). Those of a non-nervous disposition can view this spectacle on PCN website.
The Chairman welcomed new member Leon Pickering, who as an 18 year-old student has reduced the average age of our club considerably (Len+Leon divided by 2 = 45, say no more). Tony Pringle, aka 'Gunner on Wheels' also made it from Newmarket and was most welcome as a non-smoking owner of over 2000 pipes (we are keeping his address under lock and key- especially from the Secretary).
The annual 'relaxed rules' four grammes briar contest was held using McConnell's Scottish Flake in pipes of contestants' choice. Egged on by the Chairman, he and the Vice Chairman attempted the 'Dutch Method' by casually leaving the pipe to smoke itself for a minute or so at a time. Chairman, naturally, was able to master this to a greater degree than the hapless Walker, who was first out at 14 minutes (was this a plot by the Landlord to sell him two more pints of Black Sheep?). At the 60 minute mark five were left. Tony Larner got the bus back to Cromer at 62'35; Keith Garrard the Stena Stairlift to the bar at 63'35; Len Ellis the car back to Thorpe at 72'25, KJ Coleman revived previous glories and was on the AJS back to Costessey at 74'30, leaving James Oxley-Brennan to dance the night away at Riverside Clubs with a winning time of 76'20. Winner and runner-up received handsome prizes. The monthly raffle was drawn and a huge cheer (or should that be jeer?) went up when the Secretary also found old form by winning first prize.
Annual Bowls Tournament Tuesday 8 July 2003 |
Changing this event from a Saturday to a weekday proved to be a great success, with fourteen players turning out on a glorious summer evening. The bowls drive took the form of each contestant playing four games of six ends with various players. Some were bowlers of several years experience and some had never played before. The winner was Walter Thompson with three wins and a draw, with 25 shots for and 15 against. The runner up was Roger Barron, who plays for the local British Rail Club. Coral Garrard, the Secretary's wife, does not play bowls, but finished third. The Secretary, who does play bowls, is strangely reluctant to reveal his score. The Chairman presented the winner with the Gawith Hoggarth Shield and a small trophy. A similar trophy was presented to the runner-up. The evening was rounded off in the Rosary Tavern with beer, sandwiches and chips. But not enough beer to get the Secretary to reveal his score.
The Chairman presented Keith Coleman with 50 grammes of King Charles Mixture for winning the quiz in the Summer Newsletter. Bob Gregory of Samuel Gawith and Company Limited could not make the meeting but sent samples of new tobaccos for us to comment upon. The flakes were Blackbeard, a Navy Flake with Latakia, X Blend, a Virginia with a minimal amount of Latakia, and Balkan Flake, a blend of Balkans on a full Virginia base. Bob also sent a box of Best Brown Flake which was shared among those present. It seems from the comments made by members that Balkan Flake was the most popular. Each attending member went home with at least 100 grammes of tobacco. On the hottest day of the year, Christmas Draw tickets went on sale.
PCN Meeting 20 August 2003 |
This was an auction evening, with members bringing unwanted items to be auctioned for club funds. Lots included a leather Dunhill pipe case for seven pipes; various pipes, pipe racks and pouches, and a chip fryer. The Secretary acted as auctioneer and managed to squeeze £142.50 out of the assembled members. A small group gathered in the bar afterwards to discuss what they had bought and what on earth they were going to do with it.
The fifteenth AGM was held in the Clubroom at the Coach and Horses on 14 January. All officers were re-elected en bloc and subscriptions were discussed but remained at £3. Events for the year were organised and a raffle held with John Betts winning 50 grammes of Clan (lucky him). The annual club contest took place in February, smoking 4 grammes of McConnell's Scottish Flake in pipes of the contestants' choice. Reg Walker was last out with 68'14, winning a handsome 'Prince of Wales' pipe. Shaun Struthers was runner-up. Only five members turned up for the March meeting, one of whom was new member John Leverington. Future events were discussed and pints of ale downed.
A clay pipe smoking contest was held in April smoking 3 grammes of Black Cherry, and a sweep was held on the total time smoked- 50p a head, winner takes all. Phil Lewis won the contest with 58'00, and Shaun Struthers was runner-up. Reg Walker won the sweep, but did not take part in the contest as he was rehearsing the part of Widow Twankey at the Bystanders Club down the road.
In May an enjoyable evening was spent sampling continental cheeses including Peppered Edam and a Norwegian Goat's Cheese. The Chairman's Summer Tour around the City Road area took in the New Inn, Rose, King's Head, Freemason's Arms, Cricketer's Rest and Horse and Dray. The Secretary reported that good beer was enjoyed in every pub and also that whilst waiting for a taxi home he was propositioned by a rather mature 'lady of the night.' No record exists as to whether he took the taxi...........
At the June meeting Norman Brooks gave a talk on the First World War. An evening outing to Oulton Broad was arranged for July but foul weather erupted and only two members turned up. Reportedly, they had a good time. August saw a sampling evening with the tobacco supplied by Churchills, including Danske Club Peach Brandy and Larsen's Virginia Flowers (such quality products must have been chosen by John Elvin). In September another sampling took place, including packets of Radford's Old Scotch. Four members enjoyed an evening at Norwich Beer Festival in October (and probably failed to enjoy the following morning).
November's meeting saw a lengthy discussion on Club business, followed by a musical interlude of a humorous nature, presented by Secretary Struthers. Also in November an early Christmas dinner was enjoyed at Krisades Taverna in Prince of Wales Road (a favourite of Len Ellis, not least because they positively welcomed pipe-smokers). Nine people attended (was this the evening it would have been ten had not Phil Leach split his trousers while dressing to come out?). During coffee a raffle was held in which Bob Simpson won 50 grammes of Carey's Mild Cavendish. A party of six members and four guests took part in the Christmas Tour, which took in the Pottergate Tavern, Ironmongers, Vine, Red Lion, Merchants of Colegate and Golden Star.
Answers to the Summer Newsletter Quiz, Name that flake!' were as follows:
1. Mahogany
2. St. Bruno
3. Bulwark
4. Cadbury's Chocolate Flake (sorry about that)
5. Tam O'Shanter
6. Grand Cut
7. Erinmore
8. Cob
9. Marlin
10. Ennerdale
The winner was Keith Coleman with nine correct.
Win a beautiful double pipe stand by naming the Similes:
1. SWEET as a..........
2. COLD as ..........
3. GOOD as.......
4. OLD as the.......
5. WARM as..........
6. BALD as a..........
7. HAIRY as an..........
8. FLAT as a.............
The initial letter of each answer will spell out the name of a well-known Dunhill tobacco. The winning entrant will be drawn from the Vice Chairman's trilby at the November meeting. Entries to Keith Garrard, 18 Florence Road, Norwich NR1 4BJ
The Secretary has been contacted by Paul Jahshan from the Pipe Club of Lebanon who writes as follows:
'In our constant efforts to make the public aware of the fact that pipe smoking is a noble activity, we at the Pipe Club of Lebanon would like to announce our new collaborative project, The Way of the Pipe, in our PROJECTS section at www.Pipecluboflebanon.org We have gathered some thoughts related to the lore of pipe smoking and would be happy to have serious pipe smokers from around the world contribute to this online book. Please take a look at what we have already written, feel free to comment, and by all means contribute as well. We will duly acknowledge every submission by adding next to it the name of the author and any pipe club affiliation.'
Our own PCN website has been accessed by people querying search engines with the following key words: pipe club; free pipe club; saint-petersburg t-shirt; tavern pipe; scottish clay pipe makers; inhale churchwarden; pipesmoking female; Bryan Ferry baguette; cowmarket; pipe smoker hooked; hev gotta bor; world pipe band championships; cigareets and whisky and wild wild women; and smashy and nicey photo (must be the Secretary in his contest hat). To name but a few.
The Secretary's London Day Out |
Whilst in London visiting my son I spent a pleasant hour in Covent Garden. Tucked into one corner is Mullins and Westley Ltd. Segar and Snuff Parlour. This is a very small shop run by a pleasant gentleman who, although a cigar smoker, is very knowledgeable about pipes and pipe tobacco. Amongst the loose tobaccos on offer are two flakes- Best Flake and Classic Flake. Best Flake is mild but very tasty, and Classic Flake is a little over-scented for my liking. Well worth popping into the shop if you are in the area. I then sank a pint while watching the very good street entertainers, one of whom was a very funny man on a tall unicycle. My friends have been telling me for years that I ought to go and see a trick cyclist.
On 29 July the Secretary went out live on Japanese Radio, the subject being pipe smoking contests. A tape recording of this has been sent to the Secretary, with a Japanese fan (I wonder if she can cook?). The station concerned is Zip Zone 1- Toyota World Hotline. Signed versions will be available at an extortionate cost. Order your coffee now.
Regrettably the idea of commissioning a pipe to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Pipe Club of Norfolk has had to be abandoned due to lack of interest (and apologies to those ten members who were prepared to fund the idea).
PCN Badges £2.50. PCN Ties £8.50. Both include postage and packing. Contact the Secretary.
Volume 4 Number 3 Winter 2003 |
PCN Meeting 17 September 2003 |
A good turnout for the annual clay pipe smoking contest. Clays of various shapes and sizes were in evidence, and for those without their own implement the Secretary produced a supply of Fen Splodgers. The tobacco used was hand-blended by the Secretary, and went by the provocative name Autumn Magic. The magic did not work for John Walker, who climaxed at 3'20. Others whose Autumn came too soon left James Oxley-Brennan to join them at 41'55, leaving only two contenders. Could Tony Larner defeat the great Len Ellis? The answer was no. Len managed 51'15 and went home with a rare Jambo Meerschaum. The Jambo factory burned down, so these pipes are a rare breed. Tony was presented with 50 grammes of Former's Private Flake. Rumours that Len is currently sleeping in the shed, since his house is full of pipes he has won, are entirely true. One more win and it's the rabbit hutch for him.
1. Len Ellis 51.15
2. Tony Larner 48.40
3. James Oxley-Brennan 41.45
4. Reg Walker 39.00
5. Keith Garrard 36.50
6. Keith Coleman 35.50
7. Leon Pickering 34.40
8. John Betts 29.45
9. Frank King Jnr. 20.10
10. John Elvin 14.50
11. John Walker 3.20
National Tobacconist's Trade Exhibition 28-30 September 2003 |
The Secretary, professional as he is, reluctantly left the bosom of his family to spend time at this annual event, held at Trent Bridge Cricket Ground, Nottingham.
Three new pipe tobaccos were on display on the Loretta stand: two loose from Peter Stokkebye- English Flake and English Mixture. The flake seemed somewhat scented, and the mixture is fairly heavy on Latakia. The other new tobacco was Orlik Dark Kentucky Flakes in 50 grammes tins. A bit harsh on the tongue at first, this has a very interesting and pleasant flavour. By the time you read this, Churchills will be stocking all three.
Cadogan had a new pipe from Chacom entitled Goldfinger- a pipe with a small bowl and interesting shapes finished in gold lacquer, retailing at £49.95 Cadogan has also introduced a wooden pipe cabinet made in England which is based on a very old design. Available for around £240.
Ian Walker of Northern Briar Repairs displayed some hand-made pipes- his first ever. Only 28 were made, and he quickly sold them all. The Secretary has been seen smoking one but will not reveal how much he paid for it.
Gerald Grudgings Ltd. has introduced db Mariner designer pipes- beautifully made with a brass inlay in the briar. They retail at £42 and are good value. Also from db is the Maigret pipe, available only in rustic finish at the moment at a cost of £60.
Our poor Secretary had to spend two days at the exhibition, which is very hard work, made all the harder by Bill Taylor, who kept dragging him to the bar.
PCN Meeting 15 October 2003 |
This was a cigar smoking contest. Who could produce the longest ash? We smoked Guantanamera Company Cigars- a machine-made Havana. KJ Coleman was there with his measuring equipment, acting as invigilator (not to be confused with invigorator). Chairman Ellis proved himself less of a cigar hero than he is a pipe hero- his end was the first to drop off. John Walker was the winner, with two and eleven sixteenths of an inch (he was presented with 25 grammes of Robbie Burns Flake). Walter Thompson was close, with two and nine sixteenths. John 'Biggles' Betts made third. Everyone was presented with a Certificates of Length.
PCN Norfolk Open Pipesmoking Championship 2003 |
Sunday 19 October was the date, and the Lansdowne Hotel Norwich was the place. George Kristlik (Sales Manager, Krska Pipes, Czech Republic) arrived that Saturday morning and was met by John Betts, who took him on a tour of Norwich, taking in the City's three main attractions- Cathedral, Castle and Churchill's.
The main event kicked off at 1200 hours Sunday 19th and wonderful pipes were on offer from Bill 'Ashton' Taylor, Peter 'Cadogan' Blackman and Clive Humm. Plus, of course, George Kristlik of Krska.
Also on display was a magnificent display of metal pipes (Falcon, Alco and beyond, from Europe and USA). These were part of Tony Pringle's vast collection.
Sixty sat down to a most satisfying three course lunch and finally put down their irons to hear Toastmaster David Bullock introduce our guest speaker Bob Gregory (Samuel Gawith & Company Limited, Snuff Grinders and Tobacco Blenders since 1792).
Bob's lively and inspired talk on 'Snuff: The Secret Society' can only have encouraged many of the audience into nasal gratification.
Our guest from the Czech Republic- George Kristlik- was introduced and put us to shame with the impeccable English in which he said how impressed he was with the County and people of Norfolk, and their hospitality.
Len Ellis, PCN Chairman, thanked the toastmaster, the hotel management and staff. He saved his particular praise for the tireless organiser of the event, PCN Secretary Keith Garrard.
Then the huge raffle, in which the prizes seemed to be fairly shared (Secretary Garrard won only three)
Then to the main event. Forty competitors sat in horseshoe-shape under the friendly gaze of referee Ken Paterson and timekeeper Sheila Blowers. We smoked Samuel Gawith Kendal Cream Flake in pipes made by Murray, Frame and Love- straight apple shape.
The members of Hollingsworth PC were resplendent in their club ensemble, and Keith Garrard's smoking jacket, cravat and hat took the prize for Norfolk couture.
PCN Chairman Ellis astounded but (given his record) did not totally surprise the company by winning the contest for the fifth year running. George Kristlik was called upon to present the prizes. The matchstick for 'first out' to Balraj Singh; team trophy to Norfolk, then individual prizes as follows:
6th John Green, 5th Reg Walker, 4th to John Eason (a Pipesmoking Contest newcomer); 3rd Alex Burn; 2nd Reg Stevens. PCN Chairman Len Ellis walked off with the splendid Krska pipe as the overall winner. What a wonderful event! The organisers thank all of those who travelled vast distances to get to Norwich on an Autumn Sunday.
Full results attached. Meanwhile:
Previous Winners of the Norfolk Open Championship |
1992 Jo Lewis (her first contest smoking briar; her preference was usually roll-up)
1993 Len Ellis
1994 Keith Garrard
1995 Shaun Struthers
1996 Andrew Briggs
1997 Alan Rockliffe
1998 Andrew Briggs
1999 Len Ellis
2000 Len Ellis
2001 Len Ellis
2002 Len Ellis
2003 Len Ellis
Previous Winners of the Wooden Matchstick (First out and first to the bar) |
1992 Len Ellis
1993 Alan Holmes
1994 Len Ellis (he was still getting the hang of this sucking/blowing lark)
1995 Jo Lewis (it took Jo 3 years to learn to smoke properly- ie go out in 30 seconds).
1996 Robert Rockliffe
1997 John Elvin
1998 Richard Neville
1999 Norman Tucker
2000 Rob Knight
2001 Balraj Singh
2002 Adrian Baker
2003 Balraj Singh
The sixteenth AGM was held on 18 January. Phil Lewis stood down as Chairman owing to pressure of work. Reg Walker said that he was willing to resume the post, which he had held before Phil. (As far as his work was concerned, the only thing under pressure was the Guinness in the staff bar). Future events were discussed and a raffle followed in which Phil Leach won first prize- 50 grammes of Three Nuns. Frank Lissimore then produced a pair of gloves and invited members to guess the price. Rod Howard and Keith Coleman guessed correctly- 60p. We can only presume that they won a glove each.
The annual Briar Smoking Contest took place in February, smoking 4 grammes of Churchill Dark Flake. The winner was Shaun Struthers (51'30) with Keith Coleman runner-up. Shaun received a Big Ben pipe and Keith a pack of 366 pipe cleaners (is he still making a model of an AJS Motorcycle with them?). Rod Howard announced that he had a booby prize for the first one out, to be presented at a later date. Can anyone remember what it was? Phil Leach produced some Austrian tobacco called Derby which was passed among the assembled members.
March saw Secretary Struthers organise a 'Guess the price of the Groceries' competition. The value of the everyday items was £18.13. Don Warman's guess of £18.59 was the closest, and he won a tobacco pouch.
April's meeting was a cheese and pickle evening.
A tobacco sampling evening was held in May, with such delights as Tropical Fruit, Newport Cherry, Sangria, Vanilla and Coffee on offer. Do you get sugar and cream with these?
In June a darts tournament was held at the Mill Tavern, in which Len Ellis beat Keith Coleman in the final. Both were presented with small trophies. Sandwiches and a cheese board were enjoyed afterwards.
Reg Walker and Keith Coleman presented an evening of nostalgia in July with a concert played on 78rpm gramophone records.
August saw Frank Lissimore bring along his famous collection of pipes and pipesmoking artefacts.
The annual Clay Pipesmoking Contest took place in September, smoking 3 grammes of St. Bruno Flake. The contest was won by Reg Walker (43'12) and he was presented with a custom-made Churchwarden.
Benson and Hedges held a promotion in October in which interested members were visited at their homes by a marketing representative, and questionnaires were completed. Two seminars were held at the Annesley Hotel- one for the 35-50 age group and one for those over 50. The main part of the evening was spent discussing the packaging of Mellow Virginia. There was plenty of food and drink to be had, and at the end of the evening each member was given £15 for attending. Also in October a tobacco sampling evening was held, with tobaccos from the Exclusiv range- Sherry and Cherry, Plum and Rum, and Wild Mango. Unfortunately only four members turned up.
Several important matters were discussed at the November meeting, and Len Ellis gave a report on his trip to Los Angeles.
A general natter was held at the December meeting when four members showed an interest in representing PCN at an event in Hungary. To find out how thy got on, watch out for the next thrilling instalment in the Spring 2004 Newsletter.
Annual Darts Tournament 12 November 2003 |
The Pipemen of Norfolk
So good with an arrow
Continually hitting
Those trebles so narrow
They are probably the best
This side of Carrow*
Anymouse 2003
The Rosary Tavern was quite busy on the evening of our tournament. Had they all turned up to watch us play darts? With such a high standard of play, perhaps Sky TV should cover next year's event. A Round Robin formula was played, organised efficiently by Keith Coleman. Len Ellis was on top form, winning all of his matches. Amazingly there was a five way tie for second place. A penalty shoot-out ensued and the player with the highest score from three darts declared runner-up. John Walker spoiled the whole thing by scoring 103 (the taste of sour grapes here- the Secretary scored 27). The first and second were presented with small trophies, and new member Brian Rogers took the prize for highest score (50 grammes of Dunhill Nightcap). During his first game, whilst still sober, he managed to score 121 twice. The evening was rounded off with sandwiches, pork pies and scotch eggs.
A son of Suffolk writes: *For those of you outside Norfolk, Carrow is a small part of Norwich, just outside the city wall. It is the home of Colman's Mustard and a second-rate football team.
PCN Meeting 19 November 2003 |
A hush fell over the Clubroom when the Chairman's trilby was filled with the names and hat sizes of potential quiz winners, and the hero of the quiz featured in the Autumn Newsletter was announced. John Walker was that man, and he is now the proud owner of a ceramic pipe stand. The runner-up, Tony Larner, was designated the owner of a loaf of the Vice Chairman's mother-in-law's home made bread. Excellent with Norfolk pork cheese. The answer to the quiz is NIGHTCAP.
The main event of the evening involved cheese and pickle, all assiduously selected by the Secretary, who accumulated fifteen individual cheeses from England. Members were asked to decide the county of production, and to make things difficult there was Appleby Cheshire (the only unpasteurised Cheshire made today, and ironically produced in Shropshire); Mrs. Kirkham's Lancashire (made from three-days' milk); Blue Stilton (although the village of Stilton is in Cambridgeshire, the cheese has never been made there); Shropshire Blue (invented in Scotland and now made in Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire; the cheese has absolutely no association with Shropshire). Then, Lincolnshire Poacher and White Lady (ewe's milk cheese from Norfolk). Pickles included gherkins, onions, walnuts and eggplant with chillies. Three members managed to score 7 correct answers: James Oxley-Brennan; Martin Badham and John Walker. Each was presented with 25 grammes of tobacco.
Wednesday 21 January 2004 PCN AGM. Free buffet for all those in attendance.
Wednesday 18 February 2004 PCN Annual Briar-smoking Contest. Will the Chairman win again?
Wednesday 17 March For all those not off their face celebrating Saint Patrick's Day (the patron saint of Guinness) Ronnie Bobbin will present a picture quiz of famous pipe-smokers. Identify the famous faces and answer a few simple questions, and it could be you on the way towards one of the Secretary's mystery prizes.
Wednesday 21 April 2004 Walker and Coleman, PCN's answer to Ant and Dec (or should that be Pant and Wreck?) present a musical extravaganza on pre-war shellac (well, alright, some Ambrose might be early fifties….)
Wednesday 19 May 2004 PCN Briar contest smoking 4 grammes of tobacco.
Wednesday 16 June This is the 100th anniversary of Bloomsday- see James Joyce's Ulysses- so some of the plastic paddies from PCN may be in Dublin. For everyone else, there is a stimulating evening of tobacco identification masquerading as a pipe tobacco sampling contest.
Sunday 10 October 2004: 13th PCN Norfolk Open Pipesmoking Championship at the Lansdowne Hotel, Norwich.
Saturday 30-Sunday 31 October 2004 14th European Pipesmoking Championship at Scandic Hotel, Copenhagen. Try www.ec2004.dk
Another win! Congratulations to Len Ellis on winning the Peter Bersey Shield at Dunhillsof Jermyn Street. The event was organised by the Pipe Club of London, and competitors smoked 620 Mixture. Len's winning time was 76'04, and Alan Rockliffe was second with 68'16.
On-line Quiz You have the chance of winning 100 grammes of tobacco in Keith's on-line quiz
Quotation of the Month 'You ask what we need to win this war. I will tell you. We need tobacco, more tobacco- even more than food.' General John Pershing to the Minister of War.
The Smoaking Club
These are the rules of an eighteenth century smoaking club.
1. No gentleman to be a member of this society who cannot smoke three pipes at one sitting. N.B. No spitting.
2. No member's pipe to be more than fourteen inches, nor less than nine, unless permitted to do so by the landlady. (Our Secretary has had a word with the landlady of The Rosary and she says that anything between 9 and 14 inches would be fine).
3. Every member to find his own stopper.
4. Any member who puffs designedly in the face of another to be fined sixpence or be puffed at in return by the whole company.
5. All fines to be spent in porter.
A Lighted Meerschaum Appeared from Nowhere
Richard Pitchford was born in Mumbles in 1899. He learnt his card tricks in the trenches in the Great War, and when it ended he became a professional conjuror and ventriloquist. He specialised in card tricks, which he did wearing gloves, and took the stage name Cardini. He developed an act in which he walked on as a tipsy, monocled swell in white tie, tails and top hat. In his gloved hands there appeared one pack of cards after another. He then steadied his hand, and with some effort fitted a cigarette into a holder in his teeth. The cigarette kept disappearing and re-appearing. He finally lit it with a match that fell into his hand. Lighted cigarettes began to plague him one after another, and finally a lighted cigar. As he strolled off, a large lighted meerschaum appeared from nowhere. He seized it and made his exit smoking it. During a ten month engagement with the Crazy Gang at the London Palladium he did his act before King George V at the 1933 Royal Command Variety Performance. He was well named the Great Deceiver. Our Vice Chairman probably saw him at the Tooting Empire.
And finally.....
A Happy Christmas to all our members
The Danish Pipe Shop 
Family business since 1969. More than 1000 pipes, lighters, pipe tobaccos and accessories in web shop.
Largest collection of Danish pipes in Northern Europe. We ship worldwide and accept payment by credit cards and PayPal.
Turmeaus of Norfolk 
The UK's Premier Pipe & Tobacco Specialist (Est. 1817).
Best Prices & Service on the Internet.
Contact the secretary 
To advertise here.
Advertise to a target audience of pipe and cigar smokers.
Only £30 per year for a text advert or £60 a year for a 468x60 banner advert or £80 for both!
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Churchill: Let Us Fight The Smoking Ban
Check out fight the smoking ban buttons etc... here