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![]() The PCN was featured on 'Have I Got News For You' - BBC1 - 14th October 2010. You can download the video here: Pipe Club of Norfolk on Have I Got News For You.mp4 ![]() More about PCN on HIGNFY here. ![]() |
A very successful Xmas draw with some excellent prizes thanks to the secretary going round half of Norwich in search of bargains.
The usual very enjoyable cheese and pickles evening.
At Mr Coleman's again for the annual 3 grams clay competition won by David Woollard-Kingston as is now to be expected. |
A stunningly enjoyable evening at Turmeau's tobacconist in Rollesby, East Norfolk. http://www.alfieturmeaus.co.uk/our-shops/alfie_turmeaus_norfolk_site.html ![]() Never expected to find a tobacconist like this in Norfolk. The only tobacconist for miles where you are allowed to sample tobacco and cigars indoors. We were greeted by James and Liam who provided great hospitality with drinks and a buffet. The selection of pipe tobacco and cigars is absolutely astonishing. Have never seen anything like it. I saw types of pipe tobaccoes that I hadn't seen for years. Came away with a bag full of goodies (the prices are very reasonable) including some pipe tobacco that I though was extinct. Looking forward to my next visit. PCN Chairman Tony Larner writes: "What a fabulous place. I left there wondering what good fortune had come my way to have a place like that so nearby in the scheme of things. James and Liam where very good hosts and I am very happy with my purchases." |
Back to the Fat Cat.
Thanks to Mr Coleman for doing a music quiz of tunes mainly from the 30s and 40s. Joint winners were Len and Reg Walker. |
At Mr Coleman's on a pleasant summer's evening for the annual 3 grams competition won by David Woollard-Kingston with an excellent time. |
Congratulations to Mr Coleman who won the Norfolk place names picture quiz and received 50gms of tobacco as a prize.
Many thanks to David for conducting an interesting tour of Anglo-Saxon Norwich, starting at the Ribs of Beef and finishing at the Rumsey Wells. |
Off to the Fat Cat and Canary for the annual 4 grams competition won by Tony Larner. Nice to see Frank King for the first time this year. |
This month's meeting was cancelled because several members were indisposed.
The AGM, which reported another successful year for the club, was followed by a very interesting quiz set by Tony and won by John Eason.
Len Ellis stood down after many years as chairman and was thanked by all members for his contribution to the club. Club officers: Chairman: Tony Larner Secretary: John Walker Treasurer: Keith Coleman |
The British Pipe Smoking Championship 2015 has been cancelled.
For these musings my fading memory is augmented by information gleaned from the club accounts.
As was revealed in an earlier Newsletter, the PCN was set up in October 1973, the first meeting proper taking place a month later, at which a Committee was formed. Walker and I, being but callow youths at the time, were not entrusted with a committee role. It was agreed that monthly meetings would be held on Thursdays and the AGM in November. Various hostelries were used as bases - I can recall the Iron Duke and Mill Tavern - suggesting the provision of club rooms was more lavish than today. The Pipe Club of Gt Britain had set up the network of clubs, 55 or so at its zenith, supported the clubs financially and in kind, and to some extent set the agenda; I suppose the relationship was a bit like a franchise. We were required to be members of PCGB but that was no hardship. Their excellent Newsletter, Pipeline, was a blend of information, advertisements and news from the Clubs. On at least one occasion our doings were ventilated in the magazine as the 1975 accounts have an entry 'photograph for Pipeline 43p'. Sadly the PCGB packed up in 1978; I recall that I advised them of my new address in Oldham and they replied with the ghastly news that they were folding. Without their impetus and financial support it is perhaps little wonder that the majority of clubs withered away. Our activities were not as varied as now.There was much emphasis on the competition side. Regional heats of the National competition were held, heavily sponsored by PCGB and held in hotels; local advertising meant that non club members swelled the ranks. This did of course mean that St Bruno in clay pipes was mandatory, a pleasant tradition which has survived almost intact to this day; we all look forward to the clay competition, the purest form of the sport. Another popular pastime was tobacco growing. In 1975 2 doz plants were purchased for £1.55 and a booklet on tobacco growing for 25p. The following year the accounts record a charge of £5.33 for curing the resultant leaves. This certainly went on until at least 1982 when I was sent some plants to grow in my Surrey garden. In 1976 and 77 we had an inter-club competition against the Suffolk club-This entailed hiring a coach for the evening trip to Bury. Coach hire was £25 in 1976 and £30 a year later, substantial sums in those days and the on-board collection didn't come close to covering it. I can find no trace of the Suffolkians coming here by the way. I also remember contests against RAFA, certainly darts but perhaps smoking too. On a different tack, in view of our recent financial problems it is slightly interesting to look at years gone by. In 1974 for example income was £25.65 and expenditure £9.70, a healthy profit dependent upon PCGB sponsorship. Lets have a look at 1976. 16 paid up members paying £1.20 a head. Among the more exciting expenses were: 2 oz Gold Block, for prize £1.61 and one reject Dunhill (I didn't know there were such things) for prize £3. Probably owing to the demise of PCCB subscriptions were increased to £3 in 1978, a hefty rise. However in 1980 one could still obtain "2oz St Bruno, 2oz Condor and 20 Benson & Hedges (from Queenies)" for £6.87- and still have the taxi fare home. Also in 1980 this entry: "drinks for girls at Norwich Darts Centre £1.66". I was not here the so I can't suggest what the members got up to at this venue, or how may girls you got for £1.66 but perhaps Reginald Walker can remember. In 1981 we paid £2 subscription to FOREST. Presumably it was not considered value for money as we never rejoined. Moving on to more modern times, in 1991 income was £217.70 and expenditure, wait for it, £160.06. Expenditure had risen to £856 in 2012, rather more than the cost of living. And finally in 2000: 40 paid up members at 5 guineas a head - helped contribute an income for the year of £865 .This year, after 15 years of inflation, income was but £586. Who knows what other secrets lurk within the pages of the accounts book? Further revelations may follow. |
A rather unusual quiz set by Mr Coleman. Keith brought along a selection of pipes and we had to name them. Tony won some tobacco with a creditable 7/15.
A rather poor turnout due to various other obligations so we just had a social evening.
The National College of Smoking |
A Short History of the Club and its Activities ![]() |
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1945 Newsreel - Charatan factory ![]() |
Pipeline magazine ran from 1969 to 1978. It was published by the Pipe Club of Great Britain, 17-19 John Adam Street, London.
Here are a few pieces scanned from it. Image intensive! ![]() |
Interesting Pathé newsreel of Pangbourne Pipe Club in 1940. ![]() |
commercial adverts |
The Danish Pipe Shop ![]() Family business since 1969. More than 1000 pipes, lighters, pipe tobaccos and accessories in web shop. Largest collection of Danish pipes in Northern Europe. We ship worldwide and accept payment by credit cards and PayPal. Turmeaus of Norfolk ![]() The UK's Premier Pipe & Tobacco Specialist (Est. 1817). Best Prices & Service on the Internet. Contact the secretary ![]() To advertise here. |
Advertise to a target audience of pipe and cigar smokers. Only £30 per year for a text advert or £60 a year for a 468x60 banner advert or £80 for both! ![]() |
index![]() |
pcn members' sites |
HMSOldies Norwich Bystanders Smoking Metal |
Churchill: Let Us Fight The Smoking Ban |
![]() Check out fight the smoking ban buttons etc... here ![]() |