Pipe Club of Norfolk |
Published in December 2016, the Pipe Club of Norfolk book covers the first 40 years of the club.
54 black and white pages with 40 pictures illustrating various events in the club's history.
This book represents a fascinating part of pipe smoking social history.
The .pdf file copy costs only GBP £4.99 or USD $5.99
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2005.03.27... Bored of St. Philips Road writes:
Just listening to Radio Norfolk's John Taylor programme (old records) - well what else would you do on a wet Easter (no answers please) and it was just announced that the winner of the contest to name Pearl Carr's husband was..........James Oxley-Brennan of Eton. Worth a website and newsletter mention showing the versatility of our members?
Cultural tour of historic Dutch houses: tWalchersche Pijproockgilde Club Meeting
Middelburg Pipe Club |
Middelburg Pipe Club |
Middelburg Pipe Club |
Middelburg Pipe Club |
Norfolk members' times |
Braai-Tapperij de Mug, Middelburg |
6 July 2005 |
A mixture blended by Mr. Van de Warrt of Sigarenhuis Anno 1920 |
Pipes of the contestant's choice |
- | Reg Walker |
65:45 |
- | Keith Garrard |
60:00 |
- | John Eason |
43:50 |
Colin Wylie (right), winner of the 2005 Clay competition, receives his prize of a Parker pipe from PCN chairman Len Ellis. |
Annual Clay |
Rosary Tavern |
21 September 2005 |
Trafalgar Flake |
Various clays |
1 | Colin Wylie |
51:43 |
2 | Len Ellis |
45:30 |
3 | John Betts |
38:10 |
4 | Reg Walker |
37:10 |
5 | John Eason |
32:20 |
6 | Tony Larner |
31:31 |
7 | Richard Adamek |
29:18 |
8 | John Walker |
29:02 |
9 | Leon Pickering |
24:05 |
10 | Keith Coleman |
11:52 |
11 | Keith Garrard |
11:03 |
12 | Frank Gurney-Smith |
8:30 |
13 | John Elvin |
1:27 |
John Eason (left) receives his prize for winning the 2005 "Walker and Coleman Name That Tune" quiz from Keith Coleman. |
Richard Adamek displays his collection of antique clay pipes. |

4 grams of Murray's Exmoor mixture were smoked in the contestant's own pipe. The winning time was 1 hour 4 minutes and the pipe used was a Peterson's Sherlock Holmes Rathbone.
Winner, John Walker receives a GBD New Era pipe from PCN secretary, Keith Garrard |
Runner-up Len Ellis receives a tin of tobacco from PCN secretary, Keith Garrard |
4gm competition |
Rosary Tavern |
18 May 2005 |
Murray's Exmoor mixture |
Pipes of the contestant's choice |
1 | John Walker |
64:05 |
2 | Len Ellis |
59:25 |
3 | Reg Walker |
59:15 |
4 | John Betts |
53:25 |
5 | Keith Garrard |
52:35 |
6 | Richard Adamek |
49:19 |
7 | John Eason |
43:40 |
8 | Tony Larner |
41:30 |
9 | Frank King Jnr. |
41:05 |
10 | Keith Coleman |
6:00 |
11 | James Oxley-Brennan |
2:05 |
Chairman Len, the winner AND highest scorer, at the scoreboard. |
Adrian at the oche! |
Keith Coleman concentrates. |
John Betts (blue shirt), Keith, Richard and John Elvin look in awe at Len's performance. |
John Eason, Reg, John Betts discuss how to nobble Len. |
Len Ellis and John Elvin |
Frank King tries to smoke a carrot. Had he been drinking???? Colin Wylie looks on in disgust. |
Nina and Ian who did all the hard work to produce such an excellent meal. |
Keith shows off his new hat... all the way from Tunisia. |
Reg Walker has everyone's attention. |
John Eason reveals secrets from his days in the HMSO... |
Reg wins a pipe in the raffle... again! |
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