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Miscellaneous 2007 index 


Published in December 2016, the Pipe Club of Norfolk book covers the first 40 years of the club.

54 black and white pages with 40 pictures illustrating various events in the club's history.

This book represents a fascinating part of pipe smoking social history.

The .pdf file copy costs only GBP £4.99 or USD $5.99

To obtain a .pdf copy, simply click on the following Paypal link and enter payment details:


I shall email your .pdf copy as soon as I see your order.

A few hard copies are available on Ebay: click here 
Smoking ban... meeting place sought.
The smoking ban started on 1st July 2007. The PCN is looking for somewhere private in Norwich where we can hold our meetings. If you can help out or know someone who might, then please contact Keith or John using this contact form

Repeal the Ban petition.
If you wish to petition the Prime Minister to cease the persecution of smokers and repeal the ban then please sign at this link

Help take the Government to court...
over the smoking ban. Click here  to see how you can be of practical assistance in stopping the ban.

D'oH! Official drivel.
Department of Health... D'oH! Official drivel  about pipe smoking.

Churchill: Let Us Fight The Smoking Ban

This image is available as a mug, print, coaster, fridge magnet or postcard!!!

Click to order: Churchill Fight Smoking Ban 1 

Xmas draw and buffet
A marvellous buffet and 52 prize Xmas draw! Chairman Len and Secretary Keith were particularly lucky. Not that I'm jealous, you understand.

Tucking in!
Have Richard and Reg spotted unusual activity?
Where did they get those hats???
Cheese and pickles
We welcome new member, Stuart, to an excellent cheese and pickle feast!

Cheers, Tony! Sitting next to Tony is new member, Stuart.
Richard, Reg and Tony tuck in.
The 2007 darts competition on 2007-11-07 was a draw between Reg and Richard. Richard won the prize for highest scorer.

Congratulations to Tony Larner who won the 2007 clay competition. The first-ever meeting at the PCN Smoke Easy saw Tony's first-ever competition win! About time Tony got his name on the Honours Board.

Clay 3gms Contest
Hilly Plantation
17 October 2007
Bulwark Flake
Contestant's choice of pipe
1Tony Larner 57:50
2Len Ellis 51:45
3Reg Walker 50:10
4Richard Adamek 49:20
5Keith Garrard 48:40
6John Walker 42:40
7John Betts 37:38
8Frank Gurney-Smith 24:05
9Keith Coleman 15:20
Tony concentrates assiduously
September al fresco
Smoking al fresco before an interesting talk by Keith about Brooklands.

Keith, John and Len
Reg and Frank King Snr
The annual auction of assorted crap raised a staggering £131.50!

Len and Reg... a yard from illegality
Reg... a masterful auctioneer
Annual bowls... Sheringham
We would like to thank our friends at the Morley Club, Sheringham for their outstanding hospitality and an excellent afternoon of bowls.

Tony with a nice meer
John Betts bowls
Reg Walker
Keith and Keith
Some of the hosts
Some more of the hosts
Reg chases a bowl
Reg Colin and Tony
Tony bowls
In the local news!!!
The PCN features  in an article in the local rag about the smoking ban with an excellent slide show here .

Outdoor 3gms competition
Club Ist ever Outdoor 3gms Contest
The Rosary Tavern Garden
18 July 2007
Westmoreland Flake
Contestant's choice of pipe
1Frank King Jnr. 51:10
2John Walker 45:20
3Len Ellis 42:25
4Tony Larner 40:00
5James Oxley-Brennan 38:50
6Frank King Snr. 33:50
7Keith Garrard 32:30
8John Betts 23:45
9Reg Walker 22:50
10Keith Coleman 21:25
11Richard Adamek 15:50
12John Eason 03:00
Frank (right) wins some tobacco
The assembled throng I
The assembled throng II
The assembled throng III
A smoke-free environment

4gms competition
Chairman Len won the annual 4gms competition with a time of 1 hr 19 mins 05 sec smoking 4 grams of Louisiana Flake.

Club Annual 4gms Contest
The Rosary Tavern
16 May 2007
Louisiana Flake
Contestant's choice of pipe
1Len Ellis 79:05
2Richard Adamek 77:50
3Reg Walker 60:00
4Frank King Jnr 56:27
5John Walker 56:25
6Tony Larner 55:05
7Frank King Snr 50:40
8Keith Coleman 46:05
9James Oxley-Brennan 42:50
10John Betts 35:05
11Frank Gurney-Smith 30:46
Len wins a pipe
Richard, second, wins some tobacco
A close-up of Richard's unusual copper-tubed pipe stem
The assembled throng 1
The assembled throng 2
Balraj Singh
We regret to announce the death of Hollingsworth member, Balraj Singh pictured below at the PCN Open 2006. Garry from Hollingsworth writes, "Balraj was a regular at club meetings and always attended World, Club, UK and Norfolk Pipe Competitions. A cantankerous sod but respected by all." Sincere condolences to his family. We shall all miss him.

An evening tasting Peterson's tobaccoes.
The Secretary prepares a sample
Colin inspects. Richard looks on.
Tony peruses the Health Act 2006
Annual Dinner
Keith Coleman gesticulates
Under starter's orders
Nosh under way
The main course
Richard Adamek tells a joke about a beer with no head
Picture Quiz
The Vice Chairman selects the raffle winners
Ronnie Bobbin gives the quiz questions to John Betts
Question master Ronnie asks a question
Concentrating on the answers
The Secretary wins! Fancy that!!!
3gms competition
Richard Adamek won the annual 3gms competition for the second year running with a time of 1 hr 7 mins 40 sec smoking 3 grams of Artisan's Blend.

Richard is a steam engine enthusiast and has constructed a steam vehicle, "The Dodman" 
Club Annual 3gms Contest
The Rosary Tavern
21 February 2007
Ashton Artisan's Blend
Contestant's choice of pipe
1Richard Adamek 67:40
2Len Ellis 53:55
3John Walker 52:20
4John Eason 43:10
5James Oxley-Brennan 37:05
6Keith Coleman 32:00
7Keith Garrard 30:00
8John Betts 25:20
9Reg Walker 19:24
10John Elvin 02:05
Richard Adamek wins... 67 mins 40 secs
Competition underway
Reg Walker muses pipe prices of yore
The Chairman and Secretary struggle
AGM 2007
The Chairman takes a point from John Eason
The Secretary assiduously notes proceedings
The assembled throng
PCN Photo Gallery
Why not check out the new PCN Gallery

How to stop that annoying gurgling sound...
I have been trying out Philtpads and Dri-kule conical shaped steel pipe filters

Filters available at

In one pipe I put just a Dri-kule conical shaped steel pipe filter and in the other a Dri-kule conical shaped steel pipe filter on top of a Philtpad.
This experiment has been going for the last week or so using just one filter.

Result: Seems like a good idea...

a) there is no wasted tobacco as all the tobacco is consumed
b) the smoke is drier
c) there is no build-up of sludge in the bowl
d) a lot less tobacco is used... each pipe used at least half a gram less tobacco... a saving in my case of about 4gm a day or 28gm per week... this represents a significant monetary saving over the course of a year.

I recommend that you think about giving it a go!
New no-ban images
Check out more fight the smoking ban adverts here 
Janet Jones

commercial adverts

The Danish Pipe Shop 
Family business since 1969. More than 1000 pipes, lighters, pipe tobaccos and accessories in web shop.

Largest collection of Danish pipes in Northern Europe. We ship worldwide and accept payment by credit cards and PayPal.

Turmeaus of Norfolk 
The UK's Premier Pipe & Tobacco Specialist (Est. 1817).

Best Prices & Service on the Internet.

Contact the secretary 
To advertise here.

Advertise to a target audience of pipe and cigar smokers.

Only £30 per year for a text advert or £60 a year for a 468x60 banner advert or £80 for both!


Norfolk Quiz
Pipe Smoker's Quiz

Smokers' Forums
Pipe makers
The TBC Diet
Competition FAQ
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Business Insurance
PCN logos
Pipe pictures 1
Pipe pictures 2
Smoking asides
Tobacco history
Poets graves
Pipe benefits
Guy N Smith


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Norfolk Pubs
Lansdowne Hotel
Plunkett's Photos

The Chap
Dawn Mist Clay Pipes
Top Tobaccoes
Invicta Pipes
Krska Pipes
Pipe Richichi
Elies Freehand
4 Noggins

Free adverts
ONS Report
Passive smoking
Keith on the BBC
Labour Party lies
D'oH! Official drivel
Public Liability Insurance
Ways to Respond...

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UK Championship 2006
PCN Open 2006
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pcn members' sites

Norwich Bystanders
Smoking Metal
Churchill: Let Us Fight The Smoking Ban

Check out fight the smoking ban buttons etc... here