Pipe Club of Norfolk |
Labour Party Manifesto 2005 lies |
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Published in December 2016, the Pipe Club of Norfolk book covers the first 40 years of the club.
54 black and white pages with 40 pictures illustrating various events in the club's history.
This book represents a fascinating part of pipe smoking social history.
The .pdf file copy costs only GBP £4.99 or USD $5.99
To obtain a .pdf copy, simply click on the following Paypal link and enter payment details:
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A few hard copies are available on Ebay: click here
The Labour Party Manifesto 2005 contains a deliberate lie as regards the smoking ban.
They said:
"We recognise that many people want smoke-free environments and need regulation to help them get this. We therefore intend to shift the balance significantly in their favour. We will legislate to ensure that all enclosed public places and workplaces other than licensed premises will be smoke-free. The legislation will ensure that all restaurants will be smoke-free; all pubs and bars preparing and serving food will be smoke-free; and other pubs and bars will be free to choose whether to allow smoking or to be smoke-free. In membership clubs the members will be free to choose whether to allow smoking or to be smoke-free. However, whatever the general status, to protect employees, smoking in the bar area will be prohibited everywhere.".
But what we got was a TOTAL BAN!
Labour Party Manifesto 2005. 
And here is an anti-smoking strategy document from the USA.
Reply from Charles Clarke MP for Norwich South to my letter querying this:
Letter as .doc
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Churchill: Let Us Fight The Smoking Ban
Check out fight the smoking ban buttons etc... here